Criteria_range2 is the named range Week while the criteria2 is the cell H2 (Week1). The sum_range in the SUMIFS function is the named range Amount, criteria_range1 is the named range Store while the criteria1 is the cell G3 (Store A). The formula for summarizing the values based on the week number and store looks like: Creating a named range Week for column “Week Number” Creating a named range Amount for column “Amount”įigure 6. Creating a named range Store for column “Store”įigure 5.
Write the name for the cell range and press enterįigure 4. Select the cell range that should be named. To create a named range we should follow the steps: In order to make the SUMIFS formula more clear, we will create a named range Store for cell range B3:B7, Amount for cell range C3:C7 and Week for cell range E3:E7. Get the matchable week format from “Payment date” Drag the formula down to the other cells in the column by clicking and dragging the little “+” icon at the bottom-right of the cell.įigure 3. Insert the formula: ="Week "&WEEKNUM(C3,1). To apply the WEEKNUM function we need to follow these steps: Formula result is now matchable with weeks from the second table. The week number is linked to the string “Week” with an ampersand “&”. The date in the WEEKNUM function is the date in the cell C3, while the return_type is 2. We will have to convert the dates to week numbers with WEEKNUM function and ampersand “&”. Date format in column “Payment date” is not matchable with weeks in the second table. We want to get the total amount from column D based on the week number and store. Table structure for summarizing the “Amount” values by week number SUM by Week Number Using SUMIFS and WEEKNUM Functions The idea is to summarize the “Amount” values from the column “Amount” based on the Store and Week number.įigure 2. The second one has week columns (Week 1, Week 2 and Week 3) and rows with “Store A” and “Store B”. Our first table consists of 4 columns: “Store” (column B), “Payment date” (column C), “Amount” (column D) and “Week Number” (column E).
Setting up Our Data for Summing by Week Number return_type – a day the weeks begins (is set to 1 by default).date – a date from which we want to get week number.The parameters of the WEEKNUM function are: criteria2 – the second condition for summing the values.criteria_range2 – a range where we want to set our second condition.criteria1 – the first condition for summing the values.criteria_range1 – a range where we want to set our first condition.sum_range – a range with values which we want to sum.
The parameters of the SUMIFS function are: =SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, criteria_range2, criteria2) Sum Amount by Week Number Syntax of the SUMIFS Formula This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in summarizing the values based on the multiple criteria, including week number.įigure 1. Excel allows us to sum the values based on the week number by using SUMIFS and WEEKNUM functions.